April Olivolo
Personal Trainer
ISSA Personal Training
ISSA Exercise Therapy
ISSA Nutrition
ISSA Body Building
300 Hour Yoga Certified
Get to Know April
Why did you decide to pursue personal training?
I fell in love with health and fitness in my early 20’s after discovering how much stronger I became, not merely physically but also mentally and emotionally, when my body was challenged to pull, push, breathe, and move. It is here I found my power, and the desire to share with others how exercise can be life changing. Along with becoming certified in Personal Training, I stepped into the ancient practice of Yoga and Ayruveda Nutrition, becoming a Certified Yoga Instructor in 2010.
What would you want someone to know who is considering personal training?
Personal Training is a GAMECHANGER! Having your very own Personal Trainer will change the way you think and feel about your body, working-out, and nutrition. The health advantage and results from having a Personal Trainer is far beyond what can be achieved alone. It will push, challenge, and change your body, not to mention transform you mentally. You are capable of so much more than you realize and training under a trusted coach who will guide and safely push you is life changing. If you are thinking about it, give it one month. You will not regret it!
What is your personal training philosophy?
It’s about total body wellness and a balanced lifestyle, integrating physical training, nutrition, and mental fortitude. Our bodies are designed to move and when done so with purpose and proper form, it transforms us not only on the outside, but even more on the inside. Incorporating strength, stability, flexibility, and breath-work into one’s life can feel like a magic formula when accomplished with intention. Combine this with proper nutrition, transparent conversations, on-going self-discovery, and accountability, and you’ve created quality of life for the rest of your life.
Favorite exercise?
Walking Lunge with Overhead Press.
Biggest food temptation?
Hamburger. Skip the pickles and hold the green stuff, add a slice of pepper jack on a toasted brioche bun!
Client Testimonials
April is a wonderful trainer. When I first started working with her, I was only expecting someone to show me exercises and proper form, but she is so much more than that. She knows just how far to push me without overdoing it, and she’s genius at working with and around the various injuries that have come up during our time together. And her past experience as a yoga instructor has proven invaluable on days when I’ve felt stressed or needed a more gentle workout. She’s great at reading mood and knowing what I’m capable of and what would serve me best during each session. She is a treasure! -Barbi Suddard
I just want to share how grateful I am for everything April has done for me over the past year plus since we met! I had never gone to the gym before and was very intimidated to begin, but knew I needed to get healthier, stronger and feel more confident. April helped me with all of that! I had zero balance, could barely lift 5 pounds, and barely able to get off the floor being my 52 year old self!
Now I’m proud to share that she changed all of that and helped me grow stronger and more confident! I more than tripled the amount of weight I could lift and push. I do things I never thought were possible…pull ups, push-ups, balancing on one leg, stepping up, and turning the dread of going to the gym into something I look forward to every week. These are only a few of the many highlights of how far I’ve come! I appreciate the accountability April holds me to when it comes to nutrition! She has been such a blessing to me and made such an impact to my life. I’m so very grateful! God Bless you, April! You are the very best of the best! - Lisa Rodgers